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The CDMO Challenge & Opportunity


Providing Enhanced Manufacturing Data to Contracting Companies: A CDMO Challenge and Opportunity

The contract manufacturing organization (CMO) and contract development manufacturing organization (CDMO) sector is growing rapidly and is forecast to almost double in value to over $220 billion by 2023 as life science businesses take advantage of the flexibility and efficiency contractors bring.

There are increasing opportunities to provide comprehensive and contemporaneous data in a “Data Pack” to an end customer as an accompaniment to the batch report and other documentation. This enables contractors to better understand the manufacturing process, and provide comprehensive insight into critical quality parameters to their clients.

Honeywell Life Sciences proposes a platform-based approach to implement a comprehensive data capture and analysis framework to best provide data packs to a customer. This enables contractors to meet both the needs of their business and customers’ demands for increasingly granular and timely insights into the production process.


Speaker 1

Gon Brown

Gettyimages, Founder
Speaker 2

Gon Brown

Gettyimages, Founder
Speaker 3

Gon Brown

Gettyimages, Founder
Speaker 4

Gon Brown

Gettyimages, Founder

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